Bad Blake is our barn cat. Some of you may know that he is named after Jeff Bridges' character in Crazy Heart. It's out on DVD now, see it soon! Bad is one of the sweetest cats I have ever met! When I first me him as an unsocialized (with people) stray he was a bit of a jerk. Due to that and an upper respiratory infection (that could have infected MANY other cats at the SPCA) he was inches away from being euthanized. It fills my heart with joy and is so wonderful to know that given a second chance he is able to love life and repays us each and every day for saving him. He is one of the happiest cats I have ever met; always talking and running. He runs wherever he goes, as if he is going to miss something. It just about brings tears to the eye to think that he almost wasn't. Yesterday his day consisted of exploring, finding a snake (which I moved to a safe crop of rocks in the back pasture) and sleeping in a sun warmed wheel barrow. We're glad your here Bad and we're lucky to have you in our life!
Bad Blake is truly a happy little guy!!! He always greets us when we visit and I'm so loving hearing his sweet little 'purrs'!! He seems to really enjoy making friends with all of us! Blake has found a wonderful home, as have all of the animals at Czar of the Woods Farm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad Blake is so nice to have around, he runs and rattles on like he's holding a conversation about everything
he's done in his fun filled days. Every moment of his day seems to be precious and full of graditude on his second chance of life that You and Sarah have given him. You just can't help to love him, and that's coming from a person that would never have anything to do with cats. All of your animals seem to have a wonderful take on their lives and the love they have given back to all concerned.
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