
Friday, October 15, 2010

Nothing Says Fall Like a Trip to Allegany State Park

For those of you that live in the WNY area you know well that fall is arguable our best season.  You get the sun of summer with a bit of crispness in the air, the smell of leaves, pumpkins, sweaters and cider.  Halloween is not far away and fall is the start of that time of year that brings families close together for the holidays: Thanksgiving, Hannukah or Christmas, New Years.  Fall TV is on at night and you no longer feel bad about wanting to bunker down on the couch in front of a fire.  This fall has been a mixed bag.  Tons of rain with intermittent sun.  Last weekend was the ideal fall weather that I speak of so Sarah, Traveler and I took a ride to Allegany State Park.  It has always been one of my favorite places since childhood and it screams fall this time of year!  If you've never been I encourage you to go.  It's in Salamanca, NY just south of Ellicottville, NY.

Most handsome dog ever!  It's true, don't even bother to argue with me!

Beautiful wife, handsome dog!  Exactly where this photo was taken in the park is where a few years ago the three of us went to watch the sled dog races that they have there each year.  Sure does look different in October than it does in February.

Alaskan Malamutes are typically not much for water nor does Traveler get much opportunity to go in water so we were surprised to see him go in so eagerly.  It was very cute as he waded around!

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