
Friday, October 15, 2010

Chickens Adjusting to the Cold

As the days get short and the nights get cold the chickens of Czar of the Woods Farm have some adjusting to do.  No longer do they get to spend the days in the warm sun until late into the evening.  Now they make the most of their time outside catching the sun while they can and trying to stay dry in this very wet fall that we have had so far.

The chicken on the left is a Black Cochin and we call her "Penguin".  When she was a chick she was white and black and looked like a miniature penguin.  The chicken to her right is a White Cochin and we call her "Special One".  Cochins, even as chicks, have feathered feet and walk somewhat awkwardly,if not downright special.  She is a gorgeous bird and we jokingly call her our show chicken!

The inside of the coop is quite cozy!  The roost is the elevated structure on the right and the next boxes are at the back with hemlock branches hanging above them for added coziness.  Bottom left you will see the door to the outside run (where the ramp is).  The chickens here have it good even though they have yet to start earning their keep.  They were born May 1st and should start laying eggs any day now.  For any of you that are interested let me know and I'll let you know when I have enough.

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