
Sunday, July 25, 2010

świnia: The Proof is in the Photo!

świnia: that's Polish for pig! My Gram, Irene, and my Aunt Florence visited the farm recently and I got evidence of my Gram feeding Morgan grapes! Irene will be turning 90 this year and it only took that long to get a photo of her with a pig! She doesn't normally use a cane but is for the terrain at the farm. Irene, as I call her, has always been one of my best friends!

Morgan sleeping the summer away in the sun. She'll tell you that she is hard at work acting as "watch pig" to the chickens! I am often jealous of her life: sleeping, eating and I will add always making people smile!


  1. And this is the Mother that would never let me have a pet!!! She's an animal lover after all!!!! You can't hold a warm heart down!!!!

  2. The best pet ever!
    Can you bring it on a plane????

