
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Egg For Sale...Scratch That...Eggs For Sale!

Well, not exactly...but it turns out that the chickens that Pat and Dick gave us are not defective after all.  We knew they weren't but for the first few weeks they didn't lay one.  For the past few one of them has been hard at work laying an egg a day.  The first day I joked that I needed to put our our "Egg For Sale" sign.  The next day when she laid another one I joked that we had to change it to eggS For Sale!  Our other chickens are still to young to be laying eggs so it's really nice to have the one girl working hard for us.  I made omelettes for us for dinner one night using herbs from our garden and they were delicious.  So no, we don't have eggs for sale yet as we are not getting enough.  Come fall that should change.  Having chickens is wonderful!


  1. We have a lot of egg cartons just waiting to be filled!!!

  2. Nothing beats homegrown eggs. My girls are on strike right now so I had to fry up some store bought eggs this morning and they were so pale in comparison. Enjoy!
