
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Morning at Czar of the Woods

I have posted about mornings here before but they truly are special on a farm.  I get up earlier than when we didn't live on a farm so it certainly opens up a whole new world for me as I get to see everything awaken and start the day, come to life if you will.  The light is soft as it glides through the trees and reflects off the dew.  All the animals are ready and eager to start their day and all seems okay in the world.

If you look closely in the very center of this photo you can see a mama deer and her baby out for a morning stroll.  We have seen 3 moms so far this summer on our property, one of which has twins.  So cute!
Traveler enjoying the coolness of the morning, albeit brief, as the sun washes over the trees.

1 comment:

  1. Eric...
    I love these photos, the bottom shot with the long morning shadows, the hot hazy back ground that seems to be lifting as you look at the photo. These intense shadows also seem to draw my focus to my best buddy TRAVELER. Great feeling about this shot.
    The first photo has that early morning feel, that feel of one has so early in the A.M. Kind of slow moving until all our senses wake up after a good nights sleep. LOVE Dad
