
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bad Blake Says Happy 4th of July

Bad Blake and all the animals of Czar of the Woods (as do we) wish you and yours a very Happy 4th of July.  He, as a barn cat, knows what independence is but he also knows the responsibility that comes with that-staying safe and allowing us to keep him safe in his own enclosed room in the barn at night (so he doesn't get eaten by coyotes and such). 
On this 4th take the time to enjoy your family and friends.  Go out and see some fireworks.  Don't take amy of them (including the fireworks) for granted.  Today's blog post is dedicated to Art Reimer, my parents' neighbor who passed away suddenly, and all too young, yesterday from a massive heat attack.  
Seriously, go see some fireworks-there is lots of new technology out there now and some really cool new ones.  


  1. agree..go see some fireworks...and a shout out to the guys who spend all day and all month getting them ready for all to enjoy...keep them safe..(my son and husband) happy forth!!!!

  2. I saw some great fireworks this year, you are right, they are getting better with technology! I loved every minute.
    Mrs. Slug from Oregon
