
Friday, December 2, 2011

End of Summer Images

Here are a collection of images that speak for themselves really.  Simply look at the light.  It makes you feel warm while at the same time realizing that that fall chill in the air is just around the corner.  See my previous post for more thoughts on the end of summer, specifically the bees.

Bad Blake, our barn cat and one of the nicest animals you'll ever meet.

This occurred at the end of August when straight line winds took down 2 huge willow trees on my neighbor's property.  Weird because the rest of the street was untouched.  My dad is dwarfed next to the roots!  

Knowing that she won't get out much once winter sets in Morgan makes the most of her time eating up the grass...

...getting belly rubs...

 ...and soaking up the last bit of warm sun!


 Czar and Divo make the most of the last bit of warmth and green, enjoying each other's company.

And lastly a freshly cut pasture as we prepare for will grow back even better next spring.

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