
Monday, November 7, 2011

New Posts Coming Soon...I PROMISE!

It's been a while and I do apologize to my faithful followers...lots has been going on here since the end of summer.  Most importantly my wife, Sarah, and I had a baby, Henrik Finn born October 10.2011
We also lost a member of the Czar of the Woods Farm family, our beloved malamute, Traveler.  This less than 2 weeks after our son arrived.  It has been an exciting time and a sad time, and always busy hence the lack of time I have spent on the blog.  I assure you though that I have taken photos of all of it and I am in the process of prepping the photos for upload to the web.  Stay tuned as I hope to have new posts up within the next week.
Thanks for your patience and understanding and I truly hope that I haven't lost any of you due to ennui.

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