
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mama Deer and Twin Fawns Then and Now

 Since springtime we have been seeing a mama deer and a single fawn quite frequently frolicking in the backyard.  One lucky morning I happened to spot a mother and 2 very active twins only about 30 yards from the back of the barn.  They were so cute.  The one baby stuck close to mom while the other kept running back and forth along the mown path as if to say "look at me, I have legs!"  The mom kept a watchful eye on me as I was able to snap these photos.  Beyond sweet!  I think there actually were two moms and their respective 2 sets of twins.

Now that it is fall is here the families are still very much around and often travel together.  Seeing the fawns all grown up is quite nice.   Kind of hard to see so click on it to blow it up if you can.

All I ask is stay away from my baby trees (hence the burlap wraps for the winter...learned my lesson last year)!

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Posts Coming Soon...I PROMISE!

It's been a while and I do apologize to my faithful followers...lots has been going on here since the end of summer.  Most importantly my wife, Sarah, and I had a baby, Henrik Finn born October 10.2011
We also lost a member of the Czar of the Woods Farm family, our beloved malamute, Traveler.  This less than 2 weeks after our son arrived.  It has been an exciting time and a sad time, and always busy hence the lack of time I have spent on the blog.  I assure you though that I have taken photos of all of it and I am in the process of prepping the photos for upload to the web.  Stay tuned as I hope to have new posts up within the next week.
Thanks for your patience and understanding and I truly hope that I haven't lost any of you due to ennui.