
Monday, June 13, 2011

Green Pastures

Our back pasture which comprises about half of our 3.5 acres is one of my favorite places.  It is lush, tranquil and reminds me of England's countryside I suppose.  With the amount of rain we had in April and May this year I am not a bit surprised that it is as green as it is or as high.  In places the grass comes up to ones chest.  In the wind it waves.  At night there is a steady carpet of twinkling fireflies that resemble a Christmas tree set on twinkle.  Just the other night Sarah and I sat and watched it for quite a while.  Fireflies to this day mesmerize me and blow my mind.  It is home to birds, insects, snakes, deer (this time of year we are seeing mama's and fawns) and lots of turkeys.  The bees love it as it is full of pollen!!!!  And it is finally dry enough to drill the holes for 100 fence posts (to be done with a rented hydraulic auger).  It is quite magical back there.  Some day I will build our guest house in the southeast corner of the pasture so that guests can stay right amongst this beauty.  This summer Sarah and I plan on setting up our tent to camp right in our own back yard.

View from approx. where the bee hive is looking southwest towards the barn.

And the lush pasture grass that I love so much.  I re-seeded it last fall and it absolutely worked.  Last year the pasture was not in good shape as it had been previously overgrazed.  I shut most of it down last year so there was only a small portion of it for the horses and this TLC really did it a lot of good.  Can't wait to get the fence in and put the horses out there.

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