
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall at Czar of the Woods Farm

Fall, especially October, is one of my favorite times of year.  This year October was a bit of a wash out as it rained more than it didn't.  November has been pretty great.  Bone cold at times but also unseasonably warm.  We grew our own pumpkins this year and the chickens got to celebrate fall by eating some.  Our chickens eat very well: steady grain supplemented with fruits, veggies and plant material...and sometimes pasta!  

Our Buff Orpington is really enjoying the pumpkin treat!

The horses however weren't so sure what to do with it.  And yes, your favorite pig Morgan has been getting plenty of pumpkins as well.  She knows exactly what to do with them.

This is a view of our property looking South.
Fall has some of the best clouds and light of all the seasons...
You will probably have to click on this photo to enlarge it in order to see the "V" formation of Canada Geese as they head south for the winter.

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