
Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Horses Welcome Fall

Ember and Czar have been loving the cooler weather having a run in the pasture last week.

It's hard to keep a white horse clean!  Sounds like a country song.  It's actually impossible.  I gave Czar a bath last weekend and he immeditately rolled in the mud!

No we did not get a camel!  Czar is always very curious about the camera.

The horses love the morning around here as much as I do.

This photo of Ember was taken by my dad, Jerry, today as he and I worked on the fences.  I have been planning a new pasture fence that I will either put in this fall or next spring.  Either way the pasture in back will soon be closed to the horses as it is taking a beating with the ground being soft.  A good portion of it was closed off to the horses all summer in order to give it a chance to re-establish itself.  The horses have been more than patient and I can't wait to let them out in the 'new pasture' next spring.

1 comment:

  1. Love this picture, Im glad my horse has adjusted ... she will be there for as long as u want her there...
