
Friday, September 3, 2010

Photos of Morgan = Daily Dose of Happiness

Take 2 of these and call me in the morning. They are bound to make you feel better.  See the mud in the background...after dumping one of the water tubs Morgan decided it would be a good idea to dig her own mud hole (her first)!  It was actually quite hilarious.  BAD PIGGY!  Had to fix it afterwards.
Making taking of advantage of the late summer sun. She is soaking up what she can while she can. Summer is quickly fading. I LOVE fall but that means winter and I am NOT ready for that again.


  1. Morgan is the sweetest little girl!! For anyone who has never met a pot bellied pig, you have no idea how smart they are!!! And talk about lovable!!! Morgan has found an amazing home and you can actually see how happy she is!!

  2. Your pictures of her truly made me smile. She looks so happy and sweet and adorable. ♥

  3. I saw the picture and had to cpmment! What a fine looking pig you have there. It certainly cures what ails ya! Love, Mrs. Slug
