Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall has Fell: Autumn's Here at Czar of the Woods Farm

It's official, one of our favorite seasons has arrived at Czar of the Woods: fall.  Fall in the Western New York area is arguably its best season.  You still get the beauty of summer weather (without the deadly heat) at times yet the light has changed, the smell in the air has changed and there is an undeniable crispness in the air-not quite cold, rather crisp.  The leaves begin to change color, daylight fades quickly and the desire to want to put on a sweater outweighs the desires of summer.  The cats come back to the bed at night and share blankets while acting as little cozy heat sources themselves rather than spending the warm summer nights cooling off somewhere.  Everything gets a bit cozier. 
It was one year ago that we first laid eyes on this house and property that would become COTW.  It was on a night that was perfect fall/late summer in feel.  Warm enough but that fall light cast a glow over the crisping air.  It was love at first sight!  This is our first fall at the farm and we couldn't be more excited!
After a long summer of growing we are excited to welcome our first pumpkins and squash.  Fall is also the time of harvest and what better to mark the start of fall than picking a pumpkin grown on your own land!
Happy fall everyone!  Go put on a sweater and take a deep breath.  The smell of fall is gorgeous!  Especially once the leaves begin to fall.
and PS: Sarah and I got married in the fall, as did my brother and his wife as well as my parents who will be celebrating 40 years of marriage this year!  Fall is good!
Also, my gram-Irene celebrated her 90th birthday on September 20th.  We went out to dinner and it was a perfect evening full of laughs and tears of happiness.  My gram has more energy than I do at times and she is one of my best friends!

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