
Friday, August 20, 2010

Time Stood Still or Bonfire and Meteors!

Have you ever had that feeling when you feel that you, and the immediate people that are with you at that moment, are the only people on the planet.  It's times like these when time seems to stand still and you're hopefully lucky enough to have most of the people that you love the most with you.  Last weekend I was lucky enough to have just that.  My brother Todd and my sister in law, Jenna visited from NYC and we had a great time!  That being an understatement.  The photos below are from the night that we (Sarah, my parents, Todd and Jenna) had a very LARGE bonfire while watching one of the best meteor showers I have ever seen, every 5 to 10 minutes one streamed across the sky.  It was a wonderful night that I will never forget.  
We also spent quite a bit of time at the Erie County Fair with them as well (it was Jenna's first time).  I have always loved the fair, especially its food and animals.  At night especially it is one of the coziest places I know as the animals wind down and the lighting is soft.  As a kid I loved the ride home from the fair at night as it meant a nap in the car followed by pretending to be the animals when I got home, using blankets as straw.  Now that we have our own farm I can experience this feeling every day so this year the fair was even more special to us.  And I truly have a reason to look at the tractors now!  

From left Sarah, Jenna, Todd, my Mom and my Dad.

1 comment:

  1. such fire ! i need to get to more events like this around here, if i can find people who aren't beer hogs for the love of it.
