
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tree Planting Day at Czar of the Woods Farm

The trees that we ordered from the Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District arrived today.  Actually my Dad and I picked them up at 8 am at the Erie County Fair.  There were a lot of people getting a lot of trees.  It was really nice to see.  People excited about planting trees as opposed to cutting them down.  All trees had to be ordered by March 17 but they had extra trees to purchase on site today.  In addition to the white pine, douglas fir, streamco willow and river birch that I ordered, I bought some white spruce, norway spruce, austrian pine, scotch pine, eastern red cedar and hemlock (which I will be sure to keep away from the horses as it can be toxic to them).  All in all we got 170 trees!  They vary in size due to species and some are either transplant size (bigger) and some are seedling size (smaller).  All are bare root.
My Dad and I planted from 9am-11am in a mixed precipitation weather day.  Yes, some snow in April.  We then went to the Sabres playoff game (afternoon game, kind of weird) against the Bruins.  They lost 5-3 but it was some intense playoff hockey.  The series is tied at 1.  GO SABRES!  Because you need to get the trees in asap we came back after the game and planted for another 2 hours.  All in all today we planted somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 trees so far.  It was snowing pretty hard by the time we finished.  We were beat.  More planting scheduled for after work tomorrow.  It was a great way to spend the day with my Dad while Sarah was out of town.We have these trees that will be here forever to remember the day by.  Thanks Dad, for all your help.  I will post more photos of the actual trees in the ground as soon as I take some photos.  For now these photos are of what 170 trees look like all bundled together.  It was a huge amount of work.  I will also post the plan and map of the property where all the trees are.
Earth day is coming up soon so this felt good to do this.  So in honor of that I encourage all of you to plant something or start recycling if you don't do so already.

and ps: please check out the links on the right hand side of the blog.  I am lucky to know, many of who I am related to, some incredibly talented people.

1 comment:

  1. You and Dad had a really busy day!! Dad really enjoyed it and was thrilled that you asked him to go to the Sabres game!! He deserved that!! He said that it was a good day to plant since it wasn't hot out.
