
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring is in the Air!

Over the last few weeks we have had some truly amazing weather for March in Buffalo!  It's been in the 50's and 60's, little to no rain and lots of SUN!  We are all feeling mentally refreshed and re-invigorated after a long, dark and cold winter.  Due to the high temps the snow melted very quickly and this was followed by some serious snow runoff in the back pasture which created a beautiful stream.  The front arena for the horses is a mud pit and they have loved it.  Czar has turned from light grey to brown.  With the nice weather even that has begun to dry up nicely.  
With the days staying lighter longer I can't wait to get home from work everyday to work outside.  I patched all the low spots in the stone driveway with help from our nephew Corbin, dug trenches in areas that needed help draining from all the melting snow and have even begun some landscaping at the end of the driveway; creating a beautiful rock wall and raised bed that will be home to ornamental grasses.  Boy have a missed working outside and especially landscaping.  Wr also have a never ending supply of soil.  After a couple years horse manure turns to black gold.  Want some, let me know, I know a guy!  Seriously, call me.
The horses get to spend the days outside, no longer locked away in their stalls.  Morgan, our pig, has really gotten into coming out of her stall for the past month and a half and today she ventured outside of the barn for the first time, exploring the yard while getting lots of dry, dead skin brushed off her courtesy of Sarah(she, Morgan that is,  absolutely loves this by the way!)
Yesterday we decided what breeds of chickens we will be getting in about a month.  More to come on that, stay tuned.  Sometime soon our friends Cindy and Steve Mead of Never Rest Farm will be bringing a bee hive or two to our property.  They will reap the rewards of which they will give us some.  Bees are amazing animals, incredibly important to the environment and without them humans would become extinct due to a lack of food.  Good to have them on our side!
So yes, spring has sprung at Czar of the Woods Farm!  I don't even mind the mud that much, it's better than snow when the sun is shining and the grass is starting to turn green!  My new Cub Cadet tractor arrives Saturday.  
Daffodil bulbs that I planted last fall here, prior to moving in (it pays to befriend the owner of a house you are buying!) are popping up.  The really beautiful thing is that they were given to me by a friend of mind at work whose mother, Dorothy, just passed away recently.  In these she lives on.  Kind of nice!
Enjoy the photos of Morgan exploring!


  1. Olivia loves these pictures. When i first showed her, she was sooo excited. She can't wait to come see the new horse, and Morgan...of course. She has invited herself back. "Where is Mr. Eric? We go see dem."

  2. Great Photos Brother!!

  3. Morgan is my 'little girlfriend'...she follows me around like a puppy when we visit....of course she knows that I have treats for her. If I don't give them to her quickly enough, she nudges my jacket because she knows that's where I keep them. She's so lively now. Morgan & Bad Blake 'kissed' last week...ok, they just nudged noses, but it was cute regardless!! I'm so glad that she's having the opportunity to explore now.

  4. Hey Eric & Sarah....the girls love the updates we get forwarded from your mom. We added a few new friends to our house as well - baby bunnies! If you would like a few iris for your yard let me know. We have 8 plants we need to spilt - purple, yellow and dark red - and I'd love to pass some on to you!
    Take Care
